
Welcome to the metalab,
a crypto laboratory where you will become a metarunner to study and collect the Ethereum-based NFT creatures

Strap in and get ready to pioneer the Gen 0 series!


The world of black eyed creatures

Step into the breach, a dimensional glitch that connects our world to the home of the black eyed creatures, the outer-dark-metaverse.


Through The Breach, you can mint your Gen 0 Creatures until the initial pool of 333 depletes; this step is called The Hunt. For this, you will use the Genesis Engine, a machine that extracts Black Eyed Creatures from the Outer-Dark-Metaverse.

In the metalab, you will delve deeper into the creature's genetics to unravel their mysteries and claim ownership of your discoveries!

The Breach


There are 69.681.549.410.304 to discover and collect. Good hunt and good luck, metarunners!


{ Creatures }

Get to know the creatures and what they are made of with the trigenetic algorithm! The future of crypto-biology starts here.

    > 13 backgrounds
    > 13 skin colors
    > 13 hair colors
    > 32 bodies
    > 32 heads
    > 32 hairs
    > 64 ears
    > 128 eyes
    > 192 faces



{ The Hunt }

When the hunt starts, you will use the genesis engine to extract your first creatures through the breach and become a pioneer owner of gen 0 black eyed creatures nfts.

With the Genesis Engine, metarunners will perform an ETH-fueled exchange ritual that binds the extracted Creatures to their wallets.

Only three Gen 0 Creatures will be available for each metarunner.



There are only 333 gen 0 creatures to extract.

Link up to the breach once per address and mint your Black Eyed Creatures!


{ The Lab }

The creature's reproduction process requires three creatures, known as the alpha, beta, and gamma, to spawn the omega, a new Black Eyed Creature birthed through sheer possibility tampering.

Each Black Eyed Creature can be part of this process up to nine times, as their genetic pool depletes each time they enter the Birthchain.

Genesis Engine


Experiment, combine, and discover the unique properties of the Black Eyed Creatures!


{ The Exploration }

It's time to lay your claim in the field of crypto-genetics! after spawning your creatures, you will study and delve deeper into their core traits: Families and Variations.

As pathfinders of crypto-science, you will name and certify your discoveries, leaving a permanent record, with proof of ownership, in the metalabs archives.



In this stage, you get to leave a mark in crypto-xenology history and ownership of your discoveries!


What´s next

From now on, the metalab will be your nexus to the outer-dark-metaverse and its infinite potential. Stay tuned and get ready to explore the deepest corners of crypto-science!

Coming soon to the MetaLab:

The Pit

The Pit

A crucible to hash out the Black Eyed Creatures' genetic profiles.

Battle Royale

Battle Royale

A tournament where Creatures will fight to the death to claim a grand prize. Losers will get rekt.

Community Events

Community Events

Metarunner-created events and activities.

“The Ramans do everything in threes.”

- Arthur C. Clarke, Rendezvous with Rama
