
What are Black Eyed Creatures (BECs) and what makes them unique?

Black Eyed Creatures are enigmatic beings hailing from the depths of the Outer-Dark-Metaverse, their existence bridging the gap between the realms of crypto and sentience. They possess an astonishing range of traits, meticulously crafted through generative art based on their DNA. What sets them apart is their sheer diversity, with over 62 trillion possible combinations. Each BEC is a testament to the untamed magic that lies within the unexplored corners of the blockchain.


How many different combinations of traits are possible with BECs?

Prepare to be astounded, for the possibilities are seemingly boundless. With over 62 trillion unique combinations, the tapestry of Black Eyed Creatures weaves together an array of backgrounds, skin colors, hair colors, bodies, heads, hairs, ears, eyes, and faces. Immerse yourself in this kaleidoscope of possibilities as you venture into the realms of crypto-genetics, where infinite variations await your discovery.


How does the reproduction process work for BECs?

The enigmatic process of BEC reproduction unveils secrets known only to the intrepid metarunners. Known as the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, three creatures unite within the sacred confines of the Birthchain to give birth to a new creature—the Omega. The magic lies in the sheer manipulation of possibilities, as the genetic pool of each BEC depletes with each venture into the Birthchain. Remember, the order of their placement holds profound significance, altering the product of their creation.


Can BECs be used in future games and tournaments?

Indeed, the power and versatility of Black Eyed Creatures extend far beyond their enigmatic existence. They are destined to venture into the realms of future games, The Meta Lab has deep plans for the future of BECs.


What is the significance of the Exploration stage in the project?

The Exploration stage marks a pivotal chapter in our journey through the infinite potential of Black Eyed Creatures. As brave pathfinders of crypto-science, you delve into the core traits of BECs, unveiling the intricacies of their families and variations. Name and certify your discoveries, immortalizing their legacy within the MetaLab archives. Become a part of the living history of crypto-xenology as you unveil the hidden truths that lie within their genetic profiles.


What benefits do early minters of Gen0 creatures receive?

As the inaugural minters of the remarkable Gen0 creatures, you assume a cherished role (role) in shaping the destiny of our wondrous world. Beyond the honor of laying the foundations for future minting, early minters receive the opportunity to shape the xenology of the project, leaving an indelible mark on its lore. Embrace the power of being a legacy hunter and unveil the secrets that lie within your unique Gen0 creature, for your discoveries shall forever be celebrated in the foundations of history.


How are traits distributed during the initial minting process?

During the initial minting of Black Eyed Creatures, the distribution of traits within the Gen0 creatures occurs in an enchanting dance of randomness. Each creature possesses a meticulously crafted generative art based on its DNA, which bestows upon it a unique combination of traits. The destiny of these initial 333 creatures lies in the hands of their minters, paving the way for the intricate xenology that unfolds within the project.


How can I get involved in the community and stay updated on the project?

Embrace the mystique of the Black Eyed Creatures community by joining our community, a nexus where metarunners and enthusiasts converge to share their passion and discoveries. Immerse yourself in conversations, participate in events, and engage with fellow adventurers. To stay updated on all the project's happenings, follow us on Twitter, where we unravel the lore and unveil exciting announcements. The journey beckons, and we eagerly await your presence. LINKS


Are there any plans for future updates or expansions to the project?

The ever-evolving realm of Black Eyed Creatures pulsates with limitless possibilities, and we envision a future brimming with captivating updates and expansions. Our MetaLab is a crucible where innovation thrives, nurturing new games and experiences that will harness the incredible potential of these extraordinary beings. Extracting 333 will only be the beginning.
